Rifle Team

Team Commander: C/CPO Owen Smith

Ribbon REQs: Active, participate in 3 meets.

This team is fun, challenging, and is very competitive. Cadets shoot .177 caliber air rifles from prone, kneeling, and standing positions.

The team consists of a joint team (cadets from all 3 schools) of dedicated shooters with the drive and determination to gain skill in the field of riflery.  After passing a mandatory rifle safety test, each cadet practices their shooting to become proficient and qualify to participate in unit rifle matches. The goal for each cadet is to be qualified as a marksman.  The team participates in two different types of competition; postal matches, in which all three schools shoot and the targets are mailed in to a judge, and shoulder-to-shoulder matches where students travel to matches against opposing teams face-to-face. As an extra little perk, cadets can earn medals for high scores, where they are graded at how well they score by hitting as close as possible to the bull’s-eyes.

In the 2022-23, the Precision Rifle team qualified for Regionals

Practice Schedule: 

​-Air Rifle Safety